All the system requirements were met, disk, memory, and more. 满足所有系统需求,包括磁盘、内存等等。
First, make sure your server has the resources it needs: CPU, disk, memory, and network. 首先,确保服务器具有所需的资源:CPU、磁盘、内存和网络。
The memory and disk elements specify the minimum disk and memory requirements for each package defined by your plug-in. memory和disk元素指定您的插件所定义的每个软件包的磁盘和内存的最低要求。
A parser reads and decodes XML documents, bringing them from disk to memory. 解析器读取和解码XML文档,将其从磁盘上转到内存中。
The team also monitored system resources to ensure that there were no system bottlenecks, such as disk or memory constraints, and that the CPU was driven to100%. 该团队还监视系统资源以确保没有系统瓶颈,例如磁盘限制或内存限制以及CPU使用量逼近100%。
The compressed data is kept both on disk and memory and DB2 also compresses user data stored in log files, thereby reducing log file size. 被压缩的数据同时存放在磁盘上和内存中,DB2还压缩存储在日志文件中的用户数据,以便减少日志文件大小。
A key part of this process is to map the requirements of the application model ( operating system, architecture, disk, memory) to parts provided by plug-ins. 该流程的一个重要部分是将应用程序模型的要求(操作系统、架构、磁盘、内存)映射到插件提供的组件。
XFS tries to cache as much data in memory as possible, and generally only writes things out to disk when memory pressure dictates that it do so. XFS设法在内存中缓存尽可能多的数据,并且,通常仅当内存不足时,才会命令将数据写到磁盘时。
This detail level includes generic counters ( including processor, disk, memory, and more) and specific counters ( including network card interfaces). 该详细级别包括一般的计数器(包括处理器、磁盘、内存,等等)和具体的计数器(包括网卡接口)。
The files are decrypted when they are read from the disk into memory so that the file data kept in memory is in clear format. 在将文件从磁盘读取到内存时对文件解密,因此文件数据能够以明文格式保存在内存中。
These organisations might also be concerned by the large disk and memory footprints that frameworks like Spring add to every application in which they are included. 这些组织可能也担心Spring这样的框架给其所在的每个应用程序带来的大量磁盘和内存占用。
Despite the focus on page loading times and user experience, it is important not to lose sight of the core system metrics such as disk, memory, CPU, and network. 尽管关注的重点是页面装载时间和用户体验,但是也不要忽视核心系统指标,比如磁盘、内存和网络。
Therefore, by using these workloads, you can get more realistic information ( CPU, disk, memory, and network) for deployment planning than with prior workloads. 因此,与以前的工作负载相比,这些工作负载能够为部署计划提供更真实的信息(CPU、磁盘、内存和网络)。
The role of the executor is to load the program ( copy it from disk into memory) and make the computer start executing the program. 执行器的作用是加载程序(将程序从磁盘中拷入内存之中),并使计算机开始执行程序。
Utilisation figures are useful for discovering where application bottlenecks occur by examining the utilisation rates between disk, memory, CPU and network. 通过检查磁盘、内存、CPU及网络的利用率,使用情况图表对于发现应用程序哪里有瓶颈非常有用。
The reduction in file size allows more images to be stored in a given amount of disk or memory space. 文件大小减少就允许一个磁盘或一定量的内存空间中存储更多的图像。
If no page in the application has been compiled, batch compilation compiles all pages in a directory in chunks to improve disk and memory usage. 如果应用程序中的页都没有编译,批编译功能会成批编译目录中的所有页,以便更好地利用磁盘和内存。
Each time you invoke an external command, DOS must load the command from disk into memory. 每当要调一个外部命令时,DOS必须从磁盘将此命令装入存储器。
The system disk and memory are nearly full. Save your work now. 系统磁盘和内存已满,请立即保存您的工作。
Merging the indexes can improve performance and free up disk and memory resources. 合并索引可以提高性能,并释放磁盘和内存资源。
Application-Controlled Caching for Web Server COATINGS FOR DISK MEMORY BUFFER CAPACITY 应用控制的Web服务器磁盘缓冲方法
The solutions of fibre channel, no matter for single user or distributed processing disk memory and in the way of local applying, will go beyond the limit of SCSI processing. 光纤通道的解决方案,不管是在单一用户或分布式处理硬盘存储器方面还是在局域应用方面,都超越了SCSI处理时的各种局限。
Used equipment plant performance an error control of optical disk memory in computer system implemented by up 用微处理器实现计算机系统光盘存贮设备的差错控制
COATINGS FOR DISK MEMORY We have designed remote set command on the basis of API interface. 在API接口的基础上设计了远程配置磁盘阵列的功能。
Compared with outer-storage devices ( such as disk), memory storage has much higher access speed. So if the "main copy" of database is in memory the performance of the database system could improve greatly. 内存和磁盘等外存储介质的存取速度有数量级上的差别,将数据库的主版本常驻内存,可以大大提高系统的性能。
This scheme will obviously improve the reliability of optical disk memory. 该方案将显著地改善光盘存贮器的可靠性。
The calculation of CPU utilization with a statistic average method exchange of identity coatings for disk memory 与磁盘交换信息的CPU利用率计算
This paper brings forward a solution based on shared disk and memory, which can transfer message between user interface and SCSI controller reliably. 本文提出了基于共享磁盘和共享内存的应用程序与内核之间的通讯方案,实现了嵌入式虚拟磁带库中的用户界面和SCSI控制器之间可靠的消息传递。
The purpose of the performance optimization has been transferring from the disk/ memory level to the memory/ Cache level for operations in spatial databases. 目前,对于空间数据库的性能优化目标已经从磁盘/内存层次转移到了内存/Cache层次。